So many spinners spend so much of our spinning lives spinning very medium sheep and so we decided to devote an entire issue to two of the most perfect medium sheep we know – Bond and Corriedale. Do you love Corriedale wool but have yet to try Bond? Learn more about why you’ll love both breeds in this issue. Do you want to know more about making the exact yarn you want from medium-ish wool? This issue is all about that wool and all the yarns you can make from it. Does yarn density and grist interest (or confuse) you? Us too, but Patsy helps explain it in a way that makes sense. Nothing is more glorious than a breed that’s easy to spin and easy to wear, and the whole issue is all about medium sheep: how to work with, prep, spin, and finish these fibers that makes up so much of what spinners spin! Learn about how these two specific breeds came to be, where they diverged, and what that means for your spinning. Corriedale has long been a favorite breed of spinners for everything from hats to sweaters to socks. It’s affectionately called Corrie and it’s known for being long, soft-enough, and easy to spin. But Bond, Corrie’s sister fiber, has many of the same qualities but boasts a bolder crimp and often a softer hand. Full of spinning knowledge, photography, and projects, this issue will give you so much spinning fodder, you’ll wish you had some Bond or Corrie on hand, and chances are – you do!
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