The Supported Spindle Issue, #29 Summer 2020

Volume 8 - Issue 2

Have you ever wondered when you should use a supported and when you should use a suspended spindle? • Do you want to spin on a supported spindle but aren’t sure where or how to start? • Do you want to know how to spin everything from cobweb to upcycled to eyelash yarn on a supported spindle? This issue has the answers to all of these question plus so much more. It’s for the beginner and seasoned supported spindle lover alike. It covers the best fibers and preps to use from qiviut to cassette tape; how your whorl affects your spin; and how to get the longest lasting and/or the fastest twirl. It’ll have you spinning thin thin thin and spinning puffed yarn, silk eyelash yarn, and yarn out of upcycled materials. Important basics are covered such as how to wind a stable cop, how to spin without hurting your body, and how to flick with the best of them. With special features on the rich history and culture of supported spindle spinning (including how they’re still incorporated in daily life around the world), this issue spans the globe. Including a brand new layout artist/designer and illustrator, don’t miss this gorgeous and diverse issue of PLY Magazine.

This issue is out of print and available as a digital download only.


PLY Magazine