The Place Issue, #41 Summer 2023

Volume 11 - Issue 2

This issue of PLY is about places. It’s about the places we love and the places we spin; it’s about the places where fibers come from and the places the craft is going. It’s also about fiber and prep and spinning. Where is twist? Where should it be? How does where the twist is impact your yarn? Where should your hands be? Where should your plyback come from or does it matter? Where should you focus your energy and hands to spin more consistently? How important is hand and fiber placement in prep and spinning? The issue covers fascinating fibers that come from one single place (and how to spin them). There’s crochet, knitting, and weaving projects, and we travel from the US to Japan to New Zealand to the UK. You’ll want to settle into your favorite place, drink some tea, and live in this issue.

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PLY Magazine